the roads are being sealed – boorooma stage 4b
The works are progressing nicely in stage 4 with the roads being sealed as we speak. This will assist you with getting a good indication of levels and how the blocks will appear when complete. The gas, electricity and telephone services will go in after Christmas. Don’t miss out on …
draft linen plan lodged with WWCC – Boorooma Stage 3
Great news. The draft linen plan has been lodged with WWCC today and is currently being processed. Based on past experience, this process takes approximately 2-3 weeks (assuming there is no issues identified that need rectifying). Once released it will be sent to the Land Titles Office for registration. All …
lloyd stage 5 registration getting closer
The draft linen plan has been submitted to LPI for registration. The registration process generally takes approximately 6 weeks, baring no issues. We will be in touch with all purchasers to advise when registration has taken place. For those still wanting to purchase a block in this popular suburb, we …
Boorooma Stages 2 and 8 have registered!!!
Exciting times ahead with the registration of these two stages in Boorooma. Purchasers are reminded to make contact with their solicitor and financial institution to arrange settlement. Once settlement has been effected, purchasers can start building their new homes, subject to WWCC approval of course. If you would like to …
Stage 8 Boorooma has been lodged for registration
Great news! Boorooma Stage 8 has been lodged with the Land Titles Office for registration. Providing there are no issues, we expect registration to be in approximately 6 weeks which means you can commence building shortly thereafter (subject to WWCC approval of course). Be quick to secure one of these …